Aug 12, 2008
I've always been a big fan of what people now consider "retro" games, to me the best times in gaming are the Commodore 64, Atari 2600, Nintendo Entertainment System and so forth.
One thing I think that has sadly been lost on gamers of today is the fun factor in which these games bring out more than anything, at least to me. Today everything seems to be about graphics and big explosions, while back then they couldn't do that and had to focus on just making something that was fun (or completely horrible, heres looking at you McKids).
So anyway, I figured I'd make a little tribute video showing off some of my favorite games on the NES, I'll probably continue making these over time since it was a pretty cool project.
I've never had to release a video on the feed, lets hope it works! If it doesn't then you can always watch the video over on YouTube.