Oct 27, 2008
Finally back together, Kyle and I got together to get something out for you! Sadly we're still short one Keith Harbourt but this episode worked out pretty well even if it isn't our typical Critical Strike style show.
Music in this episode:...
Oct 19, 2008
Sorry for the late release on this and a podcast, we've been very busy as of late so I wanted to at least get this out for those who have been asking for it! Thanks for all the support and interest, we'll get back to our normal selves very shortly!
Music in this episode: Onimusha 3, Burnout, Entertainment System, Rez,...
Oct 4, 2008
Well here we are and we're back with another Critical Music episode! This time it's for a very special friend of ours and big supporter of the podcast, chiahippo! This is part one of three of the hippomix, I hope everyone enjoys!
Music in this episode: Contra, Kingdom Hearts II, Blood on the Asphalt, Lumines, Altered...