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Dec 12, 2011

With Kyle missing from the show due to having to make bacon money, Bill and Josh continue on to create one weird feeling show but atleast fun was had while making it! Next episode expect our yearly game of the year show just like everyone else, its going to be tough trying to create a list with all the amazing games we...

Nov 28, 2011

Thanksgiving is out of the way but having all that open time to play games and chat with everyone over skype was where the real magic came from. Its been a fun week of creating more inside jokes, poking Josh for games he wouldn't normally play and getting another podcast out of the way. Here is what we discussed: Saints...

Nov 14, 2011

We're finally into the thick of the season where it seems like every game comes out all at once but we seem to be handling it well by skipping most games to just play Battlefiend 3 and Skyrim! We're not quite sure if we'll be recording within the next two weeks due to thanksgiving and all so if you don't see a new...

Oct 24, 2011

Our third chair Mr Bill finally joined us in his first episode as a member of the podcast, it'll be nice to have that extra person on the show who plays some games that Kyle and myself probably wouldn't get around to play and discuss. Here is what we discussed on this episode: Guardian Heroes, Batman Arkham City,...

Oct 10, 2011

So this is our last episode as a two man show since the great BillyBillBlack will be joining us from this point on. I'm glad to see him get back into doing a podcast and it should be very exciting so see how much fun we'll all be having in the future while doing the show! This episode was pretty sweet due to all...